Category Archives: Friends

Chemistry: Z

I wrote this a little over a year ago.

X and Y

I love my friends to the moon and back. And last year, they both gave me a hard time because they were poles apart. They were a representation of two side. X and Y.

But this summer brought about a compound element between the two. And to this date I can’t determine which factor allowed to them cohabit without friction. I don’t know what changed. Maybe they finally saw what I’ve seen years ago, that they are both stark-raving-bonkers. Or maybe they realized that they share the same degree of madness.

Or that we are all in the same plateau in life.

Because really, we are all just trying to make sense out of everything. And it’s hard when you think about how alone you are in the struggle. Dubai is possessed by sheer sense of temporality. And that’s a hard burden to bear for kids. So in theory, I think the common denominator here is the underlying circumstance of being young and find one’s place in it.

But maybe there’s no real science behind it, and it all boils down to chemistry. Fumes and strong liquids. All I know, is and X and Y are in the same group now and I label them my best friends. I just wish I could’ve stuck around longer to see their reactions.

I miss them.

I miss chemistry.


SOTM: Sure Thing by Miguel

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“You’re Just A Girl”

“You’re just a girl”.

You’re just a little girl. What do you know about the world? What do you know about life? What do you know about love? What do about about anything apart from painting your nails and swooning over little boys?

Nothing, really.

Because, you’re just a girl. And this is the most that you can fathom. But you are something else. You’re not like any of the other girls.

You are not cliche.

You’re an individual. You know what’s right and wrong, from whats good and best. And you can make the right decisions. Your taste in music is impeccable and eclectic, level with sheer sense of meaning. You pay close attention to detail. You are curious about the world, and the people in it. You have dreams, and your dreams have dreams.

You are already, what you are not yet.

You’re just in a phase. You are not little kid, but at the same time not a grown up. You are right in the middle of everything. And I’m telling you that it’s hard right now because high school is kind of shit; all the other kids are shallow and they don’t get you most of the time. You might feel like crying sometimes, but don’t let it get to you. The world is way big, and you will feel lost. But if you see past your short scope, you will find beauty and your place in it. The world is a mean place, and it will make you feel weak. But I am here to tell you, that you are strong like a force of nature. And this world will be yours to own tomorrow.


One day I will meet you over coffee, and you won’t be that little girl anymore. You will sit there tough, chin up and independent. You will tell of your many experiences of music and life. And I will remember you then.

“You’re just a girl”.


SONGOFTHEMOMENT: Middle Of The Bed by Lucy Rose

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“The Fault Of Being Young”

A boy and girl affair, this does not end well.

Youth is abundant with love and folly. Juvenile hearts are driven by strong emtotions that seem to override all boundaries of logic. Vernal desires are fueled by curiosity and adventure; a sense of boldness that require little to no thought. Young love is full of hope. It dreams and pursues. But reality is no child’s play.

A friend fell in love at a tender age. He met this girl during a trip across miles and seas. They bonded through many conversations online, spending late nights to compensate for differing timezones. Their emotions grew despite the distance and time, and soon, a relationship bloomed. They stuck it together for many months, even years. It wasn’t always ideal. And with the kind of long distance relationship, they knew being apart is a given.

And it was over…

They were persistent through it all. And finally the universe reckoned it was time for them to be together. He took a flight to be with her at last. For the first time they were able to conquer all the things that separated them. They danced and held hands; they kissed and whispered words to each other; they were a couple, an actual pair for once.

And then it was over..

They went back to their normal lives, but it wasn’t the same anymore. She missed him and he couldn’t be there for her. They tried to continue what they have been doing for so long. But life started to happen for her. She went out and he waited in worry. He took after a certain tone, and she didn’t have it. They spoke until no words are spoken.

And then it was over.

To realize in the end that they were young is wise, but rather too late. The inability to contemplate the many opportunities that lie ahead, various people to meet and places to see and be; all this could have saved both my friends from the troubles of the heart. They could have had it all, everything and each other. If only it wasn’t for the fault of being young.



PS: I envied you guys. I really did. I was rooting for you to go all the way, so you can prove to me that love pays no attention to distance and time. I’m sorry that it all had to end this way. I wish you both the best, whatever pursuit it is in life.

SOTM: Youth by Daughter

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Hi, I'm Awkward

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Ray Ferrer - Emotion on Canvas

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1 Twenty Four for The Next Three Sixty Four

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